The well-digger’s daughter (1940)

The eleventh film by Pagnol, it is a dramatic comedy about a single mother who is initially rejected by the parents of the father, as well as her own father.

Marcel Pagnol's 11th film. Raimu, Fernandel, Josette Day, and Fernand Charpin.
Marcel Pagnol's 11th film. Raimu, Fernandel, Josette Day, and Fernand Charpin.
“The Well-Digger’s Daughter” by Marcel Pagnol: Raimu, Josette Day, Line Noro, and Fernand Charpin.


When war is declared, Patricia, a modest young girl, sees Jacques Mazel, a pilot in the army, leave. Blamed by her father, a well-digger, and rejected by the Mazels, wealthy merchants, she gives birth at an aunt’s house. But when Jacques is reported missing, the grandparents gather around the cradle and listen together to the Head of State announce the surrender of France.

“In 1940, when France was sinking into the debacle, Pagnol met again, for the first time on the sets of the Marseille studios, his old colleague Raimu for the shooting of “LA FILLE DU PUISATIER”. The production started on May 20, 1940, was interrupted by the exodus, then resumed on August 13, 1940, with the same main actors, including Fernandel, who was on leave at the time.

“Pagnol ou le cinéma en liberté” by Claude Beylie.

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